Centre for Environmental Research and Agriculture Innovations

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Centre for environmental research and agriculture innovations is a youth led registered organization aimed at environmental and natural resource protection.CERAI is a company limited by guarantee that was incorporated under Uganda’s companies Act. The organization is committed to conserve and protect Uganda’s environment in its density through public policy research and advocacy to influence environmental and agricultural policies in favor of the local person. Our work aligns with Sustainable development goals with emphasis on SDG 13, 7, 2, and this is done to make the earth better place to live.



we believe in employing well trained, highly knowledgeable and skilled staff to deliver high quality services through conducting research and confidently advocating for best practices in natural resource management.

Teamwork & Commitment

CERAI gives due importance to working together to achieve a common objective, respecting each other’s contribution, realizing and appreciating that togetherness is prime to accomplishment of tasks.


CERAI places high value on the preservation of life, property, and the environment.


CERAI expects its members and other networks/partnerships to conduct themselves in a manner beyond reproach.

Transparency & Accountability

CERAI believes in being open in all ways and at all times, telling the truth, ensuring that resources are effectively and efficiently used, in the interest of every one.



Read our latest news and updates from the coalition media. Feel free to ask questions in comments for any news you find interesting